Friday, August 23, 2024

Praise in the Morning

While every morning is meant for praise, there are some mornings when it seems that if praise does not come from the places deep within where the Spirit dwells, we shall surely choke on words not said which need saying.  Such is this morning which is now unfolding.  There is more glory to behold than the eye can see.  The earth and sky and sea are praising God as soft colors stretch out across a canopy that appears to have no edge.  Flocks of birds wildly fly out over the moving water and then back again all the while adding their unique sounds to the chorus of praise enveloping the sky as it waits for the sun to finally take hold on the new day.  Even the super moon lingers in the western sky to add its praise to the creation choir.     

The Psalmist must have found himself immersed and overwhelmed by such a day as he wrote from his heart, "Praise the Lord!  Praise the Lord from the heavens...Praise Him all His angels...Praise Him, sun and moon; praise Him, all you shining stars!  Praise Him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens!"  (Psalm 148:1-4)  He then goes on to call forth praise from sea monsters, hail and snow, mountains, fruit trees, wild animals, and cattle.   When praise goes forth to God, it is not just the praise of mortal folks like us, but also the praise of all things created by the God and Creator of the universe.  All creation praises Him!   

Today in this morning glory I am reminded again of the way we are called to join with the rest of creation in praising the One who brings all things, the things seen and unseen, the things visible and invisible into existence as parts of the created order.  I am grateful to be connected to all I can see with these eyes that see only on this side of the veil and I am grateful that my voice and heart can be raised up in praise in this place even as an even greater praise is offered in the heavenly place.

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