Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Not Dead Yet

There was a time when I wondered about the leadership of the church for the future.  Maybe it was something born out of my egotism when I retired.  Maybe there was within me a deep seated thought that the church might not survive without me.  As time passed I saw that none of the churches I had served had closed their doors.  An even more ego crushing realization came when I realized no one, no District Superintendent and no Bishop, was going to be calling to seek my wisdom.  All during this time of waiting for some SOC (Save our Church) to sound, I was looking around lamenting the lack of leadership in the church.   

Finally, I came to my senses and started looking around with fresh eyes and began to see some preachers who could really bring it to the pulpit and some others who were very gifted in leading worship.  I started hearing people in the pews sharing stories of how their pastor had been there for them in some moment of need.  The pews had people in them, lots of people. The church I had figured to be on its death bed was not dying. It was actually thriving.  Without me!   

The truth is  God never stops raising up leaders for His church.  Some of them fill pulpits and some of them fill the pews.  While it is a good thing to hear a preacher bragging on his church, it is such a blessing to hear lay folks doing so with an enthusiasm that is contagious.  But, what is most exciting is to hear talk about the Christ, His love, and His transforming influence upon the people who know themselves as the ones called to be the church.  Hearing people talking about Jesus is good for the soul of this old preacher and surely good for the souls of those who are hearing it.

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