Monday, August 12, 2024

Contact Card

Long years ago I did something everyone else was doing.  Well, actually, I have done what everyone else was doing more than once.  My mother used to ask me what I would do if everyone else was jumping off a cliff.  Maybe your mother did that one, too.  However, some years ago when I was mostly outside of her constant scrutiny, I had what I called business cards printed.  Most of the preachers I knew were doing it.  Later on I changed the name to calling cards so I could leave them at a door when no one inside want to open it for the preacher.  I know it happens because I remember being looked at from a side window as I stood ringing the doorbell.    

Life has changed.  What has changed is that house to house visitation is not done too much anymore.  A few weeks ago I had some cards printed and since I am not working like I did in the past, I felt obligated to find a new name for those cards so now the business cards/calling cards are contact cards.  I can pull one out of my shirt pocket and immediately the recipient knows how to get in touch with me in several different ways.  Life has changed and is changing.    

One thing which has not changed is that God does not need a contact card to know me, who I am, and how to find me.  The book of Psalms tells me that God "...has searched me and knows me...He formed my inward parts...(Psalms 139:1, 13)   As it was the prophet Jeremiah, so is it for each of us.  ""Before I formed you in the womb I knew you...(Jeremiah 1:5) .   God knows us.  He knows what makes us tick.  He knows the things we wish He did not know.  He know everything there is to know about us.  Why we would pretend it is any different only speaks to our foolishness.  One thing is certain.  When we stand at the entrance to the Pearly Gates, we will not need a contact card.

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