Friday, August 30, 2024

Holy Scars

More and more I live with the conviction that God seeks to speak to us and reveal Himself to us through  Creation.  Certainly, creation serves the purpose of giving and sustaining life, but it also provides a means of holy revelation.  We catch glimpses of His presence and hear whispers of His voice in the creation which is all around us.  The Creation is not silent.  Sometimes it requires hard listening and sometimes it shouts at us in such a way we must hear.  

Today I heard that voice that cannot be heard as I saw the broken cedar tree.  When I saw its brokenness, I immediately thought that the tree was bearing a scar for all who passed by to see.  I stopped and put my hand upon the scar and even drew close to smell its distinctive aroma.  The moment could not have been more holy had I been in the sanctuary filled with symbols of the Holy and the smell of smoke and incense.   

Suddenly the scarred broken cedar tree was pointing me toward the One who was "wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities..."  (Isaiah 53:5).  In the same moment I was taken into the room where Jesus appeared despite locked doors to watch Thomas touch the scarred hands and side of the crucified and resurrected Jesus. (John 20:24-29)  The scar of the cedar tree took me to the cross as surely as if I had received the blessing of the Holy Sacrament.  Nary a word was sounded for the world to hear, but it was still a Word which settled deep in my spirit. 

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