Monday, August 12, 2024

Age Matters Not

When Jeremiah put into words the way God had worked in his life, he did so by remembering the beginning moments.  Beginning in verse 4 of the first chapter, the prophet wrote, "Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.'  Jeremiah tried to get out from under that word by reminding God that he was only a boy.  It was something the Lord knew when He spoke the calling words.  The Lord told him, "Do not say, 'I am only a boy;' for you shall go to all to whom I send you."  (Jeremiah 1:7)    

The Lord has called many a boy and many a girl to serve Him, to do His bidding, and to put their future in His hands.  I was not quiet eighteen years old when I heard the call of Christ in such a way that  I knew it was time to quit with the business of being half hearted in my response to Him.  Many of the men and women I have encountered on the walk of faith heard that call when they were only a boy, or girl.  Mary was a young teenage girl when the angel of the Lord spoke to her and Joseph was likely not too much older.  Many of the saints of the church responded to God at a youthful age.  Never should we take lightly the reality that God works in the lives of people of all ages.  

Over the years there have been a number of children who have shown up long before the age of confirmation declaring their love for Jesus and their desire for baptism.  It never seemed appropriate to suggest waiting until they got older.  It was not mine to question if God could call a child to faith, but to acknowledge that He could and did.  Those who are only boys and girls have a circle of influence for Christ far different than that of the gray hairs and God may have called them to Himself to reach one single soul who would not be reached apart from their witness and care.  Even as no one can be too old to be useful to God, neither can anyone be too young. 

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