Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Favorites III

There are times in life when major decisions have to be made about who we are.  These are not like the moments of deciding which ice cream flavor is going to be chosen from the ice cream buffet.  There are some decisions which speak of our core values.  When we make them, people around us know where we stand and what is important to us.  One such decision is highlighted in the life of Joshua in the 24th chapter of the Biblical book bearing his name.  The context for the decision is a time when Joshua, the leader of the Hebrews now that Moses has died, leads the people in a moment of covenant renewal.    

Before any kind of response is called forth from the people, Joshua reminds them of what God has done for them and who they are.  Speaking for God he says, "I gave you a land on which you had not labored, and towns that you had not built and you live in them, you eat the fruit of vineyards and oliveyards that you did not plants."  (Joshua 24:13)  The question he holds before them ask if they will serve this generous and kind God, or are they going to serve the false gods of the pagan people in whose midst they live.  Joshua makes his choice clear.  "...as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."  (Joshua 24:15).   

It is a choice which is before us in our own day.  Certainly, there are no hand made images of some mythical character on our mantle or bookshelf, but the temptations to worship the gods of culture are as present for us as they were for the ancient Hebrews.  What price will we pay for getting ahead?  What will we sacrifice to keep up with the Jones?  What, or who is the object of our ultimate dependence?  To whom do we look as the Ultimate Authority in our life?  As we consider such questions, we run headlong into the words of Joshua, "...choose this day whom you will serve..." (Joshua 24:15)

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