Monday, July 20, 2020

Walking Midst Mystery

We know how we have gotten to this moment.  There is nothing mysterious about it.  We have simply lived long enough to get here.  As I reflect back over the years and the early departure of so many from the road we walked together, I know that the difference had nothing to do with me being special or taking some precautions.  I am here and they are there simply because of the way the years have added to bring me to now. 
It is not the how which gives me pause, but the why.  Why have I been blessed with so many years when so many I have known were blessed with so few?  Why am I alive and fairly healthy when they died in what we would characterize as an early and untimely death?  Why am I still here when they are gone is the question?  As much I have wondered, I still have no answer that puts that question on the shelf where resolved matters of life are stored.  Why?  Why have I have been blessed with the years when these good folks are no longer here?
Of course, it may have something to do with how we define blessing.  Dying does not necessarily mean blessings have ceased.  Surely, those who have died without the blessings of accumulating earthly years are being blessed in eternity.  And while some might suggest such a thought to be absurd as anyone would choose to live longer on this earth, it is not necessarily true.   It is only sure that we cannot know.  Why am I still here and walking without their presence? I do not know and cannot know.  Such things are truly only known by the Creator of us all.  Such things are a part of the mystery which is a part of life.  On this earth we walk in mystery.  Those who have arrived home before us no longer see the mystery and the Creator of the mystery dimly, but clearly. 

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