Monday, July 13, 2020

Just Beyond Sight

The scorching afternoon sun sent me to a resting perch on the tailgate of the truck parked under the shade of a breeze filled pecan tree.  Exhausted, I just sat with head bowed down looking and feeling like a man beaten by the sun.  It was then that I saw an amazing thing which interrupted my thoughts about being worn out.  The ground beneath my dangling feet was filled with tiny critters scurrying around as if each had a very important task to accomplish.  There was even a small flying creature who went through my field of vision carrying a small worm. 

The moment made me aware that there is always this ever present life beneath my feet.  It is in one way invisible, yet still is seen by any of us who have eyes to see.  And, in the same moment of seeing this previously unseen life beneath my feet, I wondered about looking up to see if there was anyone scurrying about above me.  The Word of God is full of stories of about angels coming and going.  And, of course, there is that remarkable vision of the unseen cloud of witnesses in Hebrews 12.  Perhaps, as I watched, I am watched.

It is not beyond the realm of possibilities.  There are those who speak of the veil between here and there as a thin veil.  And, many of us have had the experience of sensing that we are not alone, but in the presence of those who live in the heavenly place.  Such an awareness often accompanied the worship and table gatherings of the church on All Saints Sunday.  Even as my look beneath my feet revealed a world not always seen, there is surely still another world that is just beyond sight, but not completely. 

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