Saturday, July 11, 2020

Insignificant Things

While reading some selected readings in a devotional guide today, I ran across something that triggered a memory from a long time ago.  The words being read made me think of "Hinds Feet on High Places" and sure enough, when I got to the end of the reading, there was the title and the author's name, Hannah Hurnard, which I did not remember.  I remember this book being in our home when I was but a child and reading from it with curiosity and a mind not yet able to understand all the  things which were being expressed about another's spiritual journey. 
It is interesting the things that leave lasting impressions.  A found book that is not understood is one.  A small country church accessible only by a dirt road across which a creek flowed requiring a frightening crossing for a young boy is another.  Laying in a field surrounded by towering dog fennels  and watching big white billowing clouds all the while wondering if God was peering over one watching me is also stored away in the deep places.  A small black Bible full of pictures of great Biblical moments is remembered and still stored away to this day. 
All these small seemingly insignificant things shaped the early parts of my spiritual life.  At the time I had no awareness that such was happening.  It causes me to wonder about these days.  What things are being used to shape my present spiritual journey on its way into the future?  Some things speak in unmistakable ways and others send messages which are not yet revealed to me.  What I am in the process of learning is that even the insignificant things are used by God as instruments of revelation.  The past is too full of things not seen, but the present is coming like a new page being turned in an old book reminding me that there is much still to see and know about the One who has been with me since before the beginning of the journey.    

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