Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Nature of God

While it is true that the Word of God teaches us many things about God, there are also things to be learned as we sit midst the creation and allow it to unfold around us.  One of the things learned as we learn to hear the unspoken Word is that God is utterly predictable.   This truth becomes evident as we begin to understand that the creation speaks to us about the nature of the One who brought it into being.  To let creation wash over us is to see order.  One season follows another.  Seeds are planted, not necessarily by human hands, and growth takes place.  The rain brings the dirt to life.
As the creation is predictable, so is its Creator.  He is utterly predictable.  He is loving, compassionate, merciful, brings about justice, and always prevails over evil.  But, it is also true that God is utterly unpredictable.  His creation is both predictable and unpredictable.  Trees fall.  Rivers run beyond their banks.  Storms come on sunny afternoons.  Temperatures can be unseasonable.  Creation is always bringing surprising and unexpected moments in our life.
There is no putting God in some box of predictability.  He is constantly bringing into our lives the surprising and unexpected moments.  He is all about Mystery.  What is known about Him is miniscule compared to what cannot be known.  He works in ways impossible to understand or predict as He moves to bring all that He has created in sync with His ongoing purposes and plans.  As the creation is both predictable and unpredictable, so is it Creator.

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