Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Evening Hour

The evening hour brings tranquility into the world.  I am not surprised that it seemed to be a favorite time for the Lord God whose habits are described in the early pages of Genesis with the words, "They (Adam and Eve) heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze..." (Genesis 3:8)  When I was busy being a pastor the hours between the end of the work day and darkness were filled with hurrying from the office to the meeting room.  What was mainly lost for too long was the tranquility now experienced in the evening part of the creation. 

Evening brings evening breeze.  The hard sweat producing heat has let up for a few degrees of coolness.  In the evening creation shows its soft side.  Shades of gray mix with the orange and red and yellow of the sun's journey into the horizon.  It is a time which invites sitting and waiting.  It is a moment for reflection and contemplation.  The Genesis narrative suggests that the Lord God might be meandering around looking for someone to listen to what He might be in a mood to say.

Being in the midst of creation during this season of retirement has taught me to look and expect different things.  I have not yet learned all the Lord God is waiting to teach, but I am open now to a learning for which I saw no need for far too long.  I am grateful for the patience of this Holy One who brought the creation into being and cast me into it.  I have missed so much which belongs to moments which cannot be retrieved.  And I am hopeful for continued grace that I might finally find the eyes and ears and heart which He is seeking to grow in me that I might know more fully why He has brought me to this moment. 

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