Friday, July 3, 2020

A Field of Glory

As I watched the evening's nearly full moon dancing in and out behind billowing cloud with the sounds of exploding fireworks in my ears, I could not help but wonder about folks like you and me.  We stand in the presence of brief burning bits of light in the sky, breathe collective signs of awe, and whisper, "Wow!  See that one!  It is beautiful!"  And, most likely it is.  There is something about the display of fireworks in the sky which captivates our attention and sends us into a near worship state of wonder and awe.
The truth is they are really nothing.  For more centuries than we can count men and women have stood before the rising moon and moving sun in amazement and awe.  There have even been those periods of history where the spectacular orbs in the sky became objects of worship.  But, there is little chance such will happen to the like of us.  We see the brief bits of fire in the sky and fail to see the moon playing its 'now you see me, now you don't dance" with the clouds.  We marvel at the ordinary when the extraordinary is filling the field of vision for anyone who has eyes to behold.

The Psalmist wrote, "The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims His handiwork..." (Psalms 19:1)  The Word reminds us we walk in the field of the glory of the Lord.  It is burning all around us.  It fills the creation from deep within the earth to the farthest parts of the universe.  It is brilliant, mysterious, mind boggling, and overwhelming to the senses, but so often we are so busy marveling at what is here now and gone in a minute that we do not catch this glimpse of the eternal glory of the Lord.  It is a glimpse which reveals what the songwriter wrote about with the words, "a foretaste of glory divine."

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