Sunday, July 12, 2020

Fixing Fence

It was Sunday, but the fence post needed replacing.  It was not just any fence post, but one of many which supported the fence around the cow pasture.  While still a greenhorn when it comes to cows, I have learned the hard way that they have a knack for finding a weak spot in the fence.  And when they find a weak spot, it is not long before they are on the wrong side of the fence.  So, even though it was Sunday and I grew up in a tradition which frowned on working on the Sabbath, I grabbed the post holes diggers, a new post, and my fence fixing supplies.
Actually, no one came to chastise me.  No one saw me that I could tell.  Well, maybe God was watching, but then He likely had more important stuff on His agenda than watching me repair fence in the pasture.  And, besides, He has already spoken about the Sabbath.  Back in the time of Moses, He wrote ten words on stone tablets and one of them read, "Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy."  (Exodus 20:8)  Jesus ran into some folks who pulled the commandment card on Him when His disciples plucked heads of grain to eat.  (Mark 2:23)  Of course, He would have none of their self-righteousness and quickly put them in their place. 

I grew up in a religious culture which was about what could not be done on the Sabbath instead of one which spoke of how the day should positively be reverenced.  Coming to an understanding of what the Word says about Sabbath is not always easy.  And while observing Sabbath remains an important part of my spiritual discipline, it is also true that there is growing in me an awareness that every day is holy.  There is something about every day which should cause us to lift our hands in thanksgiving and to bend our knee in reverence. 

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