Monday, July 6, 2020

The Architect of Surprises

When we arrive where we are, it is often with a real sense of wonder.  Early in the journey of faith in Christ, it seems obvious where we are going.  And while the journey forward may well bear some resemblance to the expectations of the beginning, it is far more likely that there will at some point further down the road be more than a small amount of surprise at how it all works out.  God may be full of holiness, majesty, and glory, but He is surely the chief architect of surprises.  Even a casual review of our life reveals they have come in abundant fashion. 

As I look back at the year of ministry, I have always been surprised first of all that God called me to preach.  I have often said He was either scraping the bottom of the barrel the day He called me, or He had a moment of divine confusion and got me mixed up with someone else.  In those days I was a typical introvert who regarded conversation as something to be avoided.  And even as the years turned into decades, being given one place after another to preach is a thing of amazement in itself. 

There were moments at appointment time that I mistakenly thought I deserved better than I was going to get, but it was never really true.  Having any place at all to preach the incredible and life changing gospel of Christ was more than I deserved.  Yet, this architect of surprises continued to find a place for the likes of me to preach and even now in the worn out condition in which I find myself, I am still surprised that He seems to find me useful for partnership in what He is doing in the world. 

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