Tuesday, March 14, 2023


As Spring begins to hint on coming here on the farm, things start getting messy and out of order.  While it is nothing really major, Spring just pushes those winter weeds up at a rapid pace and even as that is happeing, the grass is also starting to grow.  The farm just got to the point where it looked like I do sometimes when I need a haircut.  Ragged and rough and untended.  The past few days has changed all of this.  The mower has taken care of the ragged look around the house and the garden and the tractor and bush hog have cleaned up the rest of the farm.   

Order has been restored.  At least for the moment order has been restored.  One thing which must be said about creation is that it has order and it is good to see the farm in sync with what the Creator is always doing and that is creating order in everything He does.  I suppose the next step is to cease looking out there at the farm and to start looking inward to the heart to see if order is prevailing in a far more important place.  Sometimes the chaos swirling around us breaks into our life in such a way that it seems that the chaos is prevailing instead of the Spirit who is always present  to bring holy order into our lives.  

And, how does holy order look?  I have not really ever seen a definition, but if I am writing one, I am going to be describing a heart that is in step with the intended will of the Creator, one that is showing signs that the Spirit has enough control to produce those things like love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness, and one that seeks to be constantly immersed in the living water Jesus spoke of so long ago.  

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