Sunday, March 12, 2023

A Slower Pace

One of the lessons taught by the farm is that life does not have to be lived at a fast pace.  Getting there is not always the best goal.  Things which need doing will get done, but in their own time.  As someone has wisely said, "Don't push the river."  Here in these years I am learning more about that piece of wisdom and also coming to an awareness that life is better lived at a pace that is slow enough to know where you are more than where you are going.  

I lived most of my working years with a schedule and a calendar.  Those things may be necessary out there in the world I used to live, but having them does not require that they direct and dictate your life which is an easy thing to do.  The problem with a fast pace is what is lost.  We lose contact with the people who are important to us, we lose contact with what we believe to be core values for the sake of expediency, and we lose contact with our self.  We lose contact with what is important in our life because we are letting someone else be in charge.  

The only one to whom we need to give that kind of control is God.  And, He can be trusted to take what we give to Him and bring it to its orignal and intended purpose.  God is never in a hurry.  He does not measure time as we do.  He calls us to go after His ways and then He reveals what is ahead a step at a time.  There is no need to worry about what is out threre ahead of us since He already knows and is getting us ready in the present for the future.  His way is slow and unhurried and as He goes He invites and encourages us to go as well.  The future is in good hands if we have placed it in His.  

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