Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Becoming Visible

I read somewhere not too long ago that writing is like bringing to visibilty the invisble on a sheet of blank paper.  I can understand the sense of what was being said in that thoughts which are invible take shape on paper to become visible enough for others to see.  It must also be true of the fruit of the Spirit which Paul lifts up toward the end of his letter to the Galatian Christians.  Galatians 5:22-23 reads, "...the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."  These are things expressed in our lives only because the Holy Spirit has worked within us in such a way as to bring about a major shift from the ego centric life so many of us naturally live.  The invisible changes in the heart begin to be visibly seen through the actions of our hands and feet.     

I remember as a very young Christain reading these verses and thinking that I could do it alone.  I thought for a time that I could through determination and discipline manufacture this fruit in my life.  And, I suppose it is possible to some degree if we have time to be aware of the situation and think for a moment or two about how we are going to respond.  But, too much of life happens fast and too many times our response is so fast that what is within is what comes forth as expression of who we are.  There in, is the problem for many psudo fruit producers.  

The fruit of the Spirit grows in us and is expressed naturally, spontaneously and without thought, or it is something else.  When the Spirit begins to work in us to bring about the changed life reflected in Paul's letter to the Galatians, it just happens.  Kindness and patience comes forth not because we have planned to be kind and patient, but because the Spirit has planted this seed of change in our heart.  We act naturally for God where as we once acted naturally for our self.  

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