Friday, March 3, 2023

A Legacy of Sharing

The big news here on the farm today comes out of the hen house.  We have five hens we provide a safe haven, feed, and look after.  For months they have lived on the dole doing nothing to earn their keep. It happened with our neighbor's chickens as well.  He actually showed them an empty egg carton and warned them that a fryer might might be in their future if they did not start producing.  While I am not sure how that worked out, our hens finally got with the program and started laying again.  Today the last lazy hen came forward and we collected five eggs from the nesting box.   

With the hens in full production mode. the eggs start filling up an egg carton mighty quick.  Some might wonder what you do with so many eggs.  Of course, we eat our share of them, but what is really nice is being able to share them with some folks around town who do not keep chickens.  It is a good way of being neighborly and nice to be able to share some of the bounty of the farm with others.  

It is a good thing when folks share with one another.  It provides a blessing for the one doing the giving and it brings a blessing to be the recipient of someone's kindness.  Before my father in law died and left this farm to my wife, he tended the land, grew large gardens,and took pleasure in taking neighbors tomatoes, beans, sweet potatoes, and corn.  What we now grow and produce comes from the Creator God's hand to ours and it is a blessing to let some of it pass from our hands in a legacy of sharing with others.   

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