Saturday, March 18, 2023

A Friendship

When I went to the Zoar Church back in '71 as pastor, there was a guy in the church named Warren who became a friend.  When we left Zoar, we would find our way back to his home to visit with his family and he would come with his family to spend time with us.  We were both in our 20's back then.  Today we talked on the phone as two old guys with more memories than years ahead.  The last time he visited was when I was about to stretch fence here on the farm for the pasture.  Having never done it, he came and together we stretched the first section of that fence.    

Recently new fence was put up around the pasture, but I will leave that old section which we worked on together as a way of honoring a friendship God gave to me.  Twenty or so years after we left Zoar, we were talking on the phone and I was stunned when he told me that when he went out of the house to pray each morning, he called my name.  Every day he said he prayed for me.  I have no reason to doubt what he said and in fact I have learned to count every blessing I have had and have given in ministry as the result of his praying and the praying of others like him.   

To be the recepient of someone's prayer is a humbling experience.  It means that they care enough about us to invest some of the time they are spending with God calling our name and lifting up the burdens of our life.  The prayers of others must always be regarded as a precious gift.  They are more valuable than any wrapped up package which might be given.  It is a gift that is eternal in nature.  Tonight is a moment of being grateful for a friend whom God gave me at the beginning of my ministry and for the gift of the prayers he has prayed for me for over fifty years.  

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