Friday, March 10, 2023

An Evening Sprinkling

As I was walking back from the evening chore of shutting up the chickens, I felt the smallest drop of water hit my head.  It was so small and insignificant I might not have even noticed had it not been cold.  And, then I was suddenly aware there were more.  There was never enough to call it rain; it was more like walking in droplets of water that were hanging in the air.  Or, as I also thought at the moment, maybe it was a gentle sprinkling from the wings of angels who were hovering around on the other side of the separating veil which seems so very thin at times.   

Before anyone jumps to the conclusion that I am seeing visions such as Isaiah saw in the Temple, may I be the first to dispell those thoughts.  I often feel that I am not alone out here.  I often hope I am not alone.  It is comforting to think that ministering angels are nearby to bring gifts of grace into this soul of mine which often carries with it troubles I have not been able to lay aside.  There is nothing unusual about such for we all carry with us those things from which we pray to be freed, but God continues to say, "Not yet." 

Maybe the very light drops of rain were sent to get my attention and to cause me to look upward with a hopeful heart.  Such an act would be just like the Spirit as He seeks to bring us through the troubling difficulties we encounter from time to time.  I know that slight touch of water on my head was in some way a gentle baptism causing me to remember that I belong to Him and that there is nothing which can break the bond He has created with me through divine love.  For the sprinkling I am grateful.

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