Friday, March 1, 2019

The Pasture Ruckus

Just before sunset last night a ruckus erupted in the pasture.  I went out to move the cows out of the section of the pasture which had some winter grazing.  I did my best "cow call," the one they always heed, but last night they just stood and looked at me.  Nary a one moved my way.  Instead, they all went back to pulling on the grass.  So, I started hollering louder with greater urgency and they started using their cow voice to let me know they were not moving.  On and on it went until I finally got in behind them and got them moving toward the gate and out where I wanted them to be. 

Jesus said about a shepherd, "...the sheep follow him because they know his voice."  (John 10:4)  The cows out in the pasture know my voice, but last night they listened and went back to what they were doing.  As I have remembered the ruckus among the cows, I have thought often about myself hearing the Voice calling me and seeking to lead me to a place I am not but need to be.  I am too much like my cows.  Hearing has not usually been a problem.  Neither is it difficult to know to whom the Voice is speaking.  And, most of the time, it is very clear about what needs to be done.  The problem has seldom been in the hearing, but mostly in the doing.

In my rational moments I am sure the 23rd Psalm speaks great truth.  God does know the location of the green pastures and the still waters.  He does seek to still my soul and keep me on the right path.  But, like those cows, sometimes I model stubbornness.  I decide I know what is best for myself and I go down that path on a personal stampede.  As the echoes of the chaos have settled in the pasture, I am so very grateful that God not only seeks to lead me into the best places, but that He is also long on mercy and forgiveness. 

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