Monday, March 4, 2019

Spontatneous and Unplanned

One thing that seldom happens in our churches today is spontaneous and unplanned baptisms.  In today's church everything is scheduled.  In some places the individual who wants to be baptized is told to wait until there is a group big enough to warrant filling the baptismal pool.  In other places people wanting to be baptized have to wait until they go through a series of classes.  In others they wait because the service might run over time if the church stopped to baptize someone. 
And, of course, in some places there are no spontaneous and unplanned baptisms because no one is being invited to receive Christ as Savior.  Of all the reasons this is surely the most tragic.  In too many churches baptisms are not expected.  Take a look in the baptismal font or the baptismal pool before this Sunday's worship service and there will a resounding word as to whether the church is expecting people to accept Christ and to be baptized.  Surely, a most embarrassing moment for any preacher is to have to send out for water while the person wanting to be baptized waits. 
The church is out there in the world in order for people to connect themselves with Jesus Christ.  And while baptism does not cement the deal, it is a visible sign that some work of the Holy Spirit has been done in a person's heart.  It is a means of grace which creates a visible and unforgettable marker for the one who is ready to start the journey of faith with Christ.  When is the right time for baptisms to take place?  When a single soul is ready to declare that Christ is Savior.  With some things there is no time like the present.  Accepting Christ and coming to the waters is not something to delay.  It is the church's primary business to see that there are no hindrances and only encouragements.

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