Thursday, March 28, 2019

Certain Hours

Certain hours are set aside for the darkness.  The Word of God affirms this is true as it says in the book of beginning, "...and God separated the light from the darkness."  (Genesis 1:4)  Of course, what the writer of Genesis is talking about it is an act of creation which made such a separation.  Thus, some hours are blessed with the light of the sun and some hours are blessed with a darkness barely lit by the lights of the heavens.  The truth is we have always been partial to the light.  The darkness is filled with things which cannot be anticipated or seen. 
Certain hours are set aside for the darkness.  Even as some of the hours of each day are set aside for the darkness, so is it in our lives.   As much as we might like to live without going through some of the dark experiences of life, it simply is not an option.  Hard grief, painful separation, and loss of health are just three of the things which feel like darkness when we walk through them.  And, in addition to these things associated with our physical well being, we often find ourselves walking in a spiritual darkness as we struggle with discerning God's purposes, or as we try to find our way back home after choosing to wonder in a land of disobedience.
Certain hours are set aside for the darkness.  The dark is as much a part of our life as the light.  So much of our walking with God is not by sight, but by faith.  It is never what we can see clearly in the midst of the darkness which enables us to get through it, but our faith.  While I do not seek the darkness that overwhelms me, nor do I live with a welcoming spirit when it comes, I know that those hours come to all of us and that the God who is with me where I can see is with me where I cannot even see the next step.  If God has things for me to learn in the light of the day, surely the hours set aside for the darkness contain those things I could not learn by seeing. 

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