Tuesday, March 19, 2019

In Sync

In the rearview mirror I watched a great ball of fire fall on the dirt road and slowly disappear down under its edge.  On another day while stopped and looking left for coming traffic, I saw out of the corner of my eye a hawk drop out of a pine tree and plummet to the ground like a heavy rock.  And then this is the time of the years when blooms have formed and gone leaving very tiny fruit on the plum and peach trees.  While some might say that nothing happens out here where there is more dirt than concrete, any watcher would quickly disagree.

What is happening all around these parts speaks of a Creator God and the order He has established.  Almost every day this order seems to capture my attention in a new way.  Though I have gotten old, it sometimes seems that what I see are things I am now seeing for the first time.  And, maybe such is true.  Maybe I have been one of those who has seen what I see now but without really seeing.  Maybe I have lived too much of my life blinded by the pursuit of lesser things which I thought to be more important than they really were.

One of the things which inevitably happens as I behold the order of the creation is to realize that my life, too, was created to be in sync with that order.  I am to walk lightly on this earth.  I am to live knowing that every living animal and growing plant which sustains my life is not to be regarded lightly.  I have been called to live grateful for my place in the creation instead of living as if the creation was put in place for my benefit.  I am not the "all that is" but simply a small part of what has been, is now, and forever shall be.  And so, in order to live rightly and in sync with the order all around me is to live with a grateful and humble heart.   

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