Thursday, March 7, 2019

A New Place

Sometimes I wonder if I should not be bothered by the fact that I do not pray the way I used to pray.  What I am not saying is that I have ceased praying, or that I am praying less, but that my praying is so different from what it was at earlier times in my life.  One of the things I have noticed is that there is less structure to it.  There was a time when I put my praying on a timer which not longer seems like something I feel compelled to do.  Good or bad, it is different.
There are some things which are important to praying.  At least it seems that way to me.  One of those things is a time that is set aside for it.  Not setting aside time to pray usually means I do not get around to it.  And, another thing learned mostly from experience is that praying first thing in the morning works best for me.  At first this requires an alarm clock set for an earlier than usual rising, but after a time the internal clock takes over.  And, another thing learned is that urges do come from within and moving into those Spirit led moments can be great times of being in the presence of God.
Perhaps, it is this thing of being in the presence of God which most characterizes the difference in my praying in this particular season of my life.  Praying is not so much about asking for stuff, or sharing my "to do" list with God as it is in simply seeking His presence.  Sitting quietly and waiting has never been something I have done easily, but as I go along it has seemed to more define my praying time than anything else.  I imagine it is this way with all of us.  When we pray now, it is likely different than how it was when we started, or even a few years ago.  It does not mean we have ceased praying as we ought.  It may just mean that God is bringing us to a new place in our relationship with Him.

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