Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Records of Heaven

On any drive down a dusty dirt road out here in the country, there can be seen one abandoned home site after another.  Old gray wooden frame houses with windows and boards missing literally litter the roadside.  To look is to wonder how they manage to continue standing.  But, another thought which often comes to mind are the stories hidden by the passing years.  There was a time when these old dilapidated houses were homes where men and women lived and worked and grew crops in the field and children under the roof.  If old houses could tell tales, what stories could be told.
So much of life never gets told.  It happens and is forgotten.  But, surely what happens for God remains more than just a memory in the corridors of the heavenly place.  We know the stories of some of God's saints and the work done in different places in the world, but for every E. Stanley Jones or Hudson Taylor there are a thousand who have labored and sacrificed for Christ without any real recognition.   Billy Graham was a household name for this generation of Christians, but there is a great host of unnamed folks who labored in other places whose names and stories are known only by the Christ in whose name they served.

Old abandoned churches also have their stories.  We know enough of the stories of the churches which are a part of our lives to know that there are countless stories which could be told about those who had nothing sacrificing much, or stories about great spiritual battles fought at altars, or sermons preached that touched a single life, but no more.  Ah, the woods are full of great stories.  What we often forget is that our life before God is another story being worked out in the present and stored away somewhere in the records of heaven. 

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