Monday, September 17, 2018

Overburdened Souls

Many of us carry around so many pounds a honest look in the mirror causes us to confess to being overweight.  Putting pounds on is always easier than getting rid of them so it is easy for them to add up in a hurry.  There are a lot of reasons we eat too much of the wrong kind of food.  Many people eat to fill an emotional hole.  Others eat simply because food is enjoyed too much.  And, then there are those who live in denial when they see a clear reflection of themselves in the mirror.  Of course, the best reason for losing weight is not about appearance, but health.  Bearing a lot of extra weight is simply unhealthy. 
When we are physically overweight, it soon becomes obvious to everyone, but could it not also be true that our soul can become so burdened with the stuff of life that we feel as if a crushing weight is upon us?  Unconfessed sin can and does weigh extremely heavy upon our life.  We may be able to compartmentalize it so that we do not consciously see it, but its impact upon our life never really goes away.  It is one of those things which will weigh our spirits down as surely as pounds weigh down our physical body.  Another heavy load are the anxiety burdens we carry around with us day to day.  Anxiety is as much a killer to the soul as it is to the body.  It robs us of everything that speaks of the present moment in our life.
Our souls do not need a twelve step group, or a commercialized plan, but a Savior.  The only cure, or healing for our soul is found outside of us and it is the one written and planned by the Creator God who brought us into being.  As simplistic as it might sound to some, souls that are loaded down with sin and burdened with the cares of life will only find relief and restoration through the touch of Jesus Christ.  For anyone serious about living life as it was meant to be lived, Jesus is not an option, or a luxury, but a necessity.  He is to the soul what air is to the body.

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