Sunday, September 23, 2018

No Shadows

Anyone ever play "Shadow Tag" when a kid?  The rule of the game was simple.  Instead of actually touching or tagging the person being chased, the tag is made by stepping in their shadow.  Such is how the one being chased became "It."  Last night and tonight that old childhood game could have been played after dark.  The moon is so full and bright, shadows of tree limbs, and buildings, and even people can be seen as clearly in the dark as if the sun itself were still shining.  Amazing!
When we see our shadow, it means we are walking away from the light.  It is behind us so in a sense we are choosing to walk toward the darkness.  The darkness may be illuminated by the shadow making light behind us, but it does not change the fact that we are still walking in and toward the darkness.  In the gospel of John we hear Jesus speaking of Himself by saying, "I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."  (John 8:12)  And in another place much earlier in the same gospel, the Word of God declares, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it."  (John 1:5)
When we choose to walk in the presence of Christ, there are no shadows, no impending darkness just beyond the reach of the light, no light behind us.  Instead, to walk with Christ means that things are seen differently and clearly.  What is seen and experienced is not an illusion, or something obscured, but reality.  What Christ reveals to us is a reality upon which life can be built and lived without any regret, or wanting to look back.  Even in the darkness caused by some of the difficult circumstances of our life, we can be sure that He will bring to bear a light that penetrates the darkness enabling us to know that there is nothing to fear inside the way forward. 

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