Monday, December 1, 2014

In the Clouds

An early Advent theme is the Second Coming of Jesus.  It seems rather strange to some since Advent appears to be a season designed to get people ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.  Yet, Advent still reminds us of this uncomfortable truth that the One who has come will come again.  When He came in the stable, it was to bring the world a Savior.  When He comes in the clouds, it will be to bring history as we know it to and end.  Sounds strange, does it not?  Who among us ever thinks that history as we are making it will ever end? 
Most of us are looking too much at where we are walking on this earth to spend much time looking in the clouds.  Actually, we are too busy with the temporal and not concerned enough about the eternal.  We live too much in the physical dimension to give consideration to the spiritual.  These early days of Advent call us to live in the now and then, here and there, the present and the future.  The Kingdom of God has come and is coming.  Such is the teaching of Jesus.  To take Him seriously means realizing that what we do on the earth to get ahead and to attain security is not nearly as important as taking care of the soul within us.  The body was designed for a short existence; the soul for the long haul, or for eternity.
As we encounter these tension filled days of early Advent and consider its counter-culture message, we may well find ourselves struggling with the question, "How then shall I live?"  It is a good question.  It is one that may take us down a road of confession and repentance.  Confession is easy enough to understand.  Repentance is a bit confusing to us.  It does not mean saying, "I am sorry," but instead, it means, "I am choosing now to go another way."  It means a turning away from caring for the ego and a journey toward caring for the soul.

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