Monday, September 23, 2024

Where to Know God

Every moment has some manifestation of God's presence.   Every leaf on every tree is full of God's glory.  Even the rocks and stones stand among us as to speak of His majesty.  All of earth is indeed full of God's glory. It can be no other way as every thing that is, has been, and will be bears the imprint of the Holy Creator.  Nothing we see, or hear, or feel around us is present apart from the creative breath of the Holy One who is not only in our midst, but desires to make Himself known to us.   Not to see is no excuse.  Those who claim it is only some scientific process involving matter and trillions of years look for evidence of the divine creator in places which really cannot be seen.   

There may be evidences of Him walking in the Garden among us in centuries that have long come and gone, but to look for Him in the past is to look in the wrong direction.  Where He is best known and where He chooses to reveal Himself to both the seeker and the student is in the present.  It is where we each live.  It is where our senses and heart are made to experience all that is around us.  We have been gifted with these gifts not to simply do geological or astronomical studies, but to know the  Creator who still walks in the cool of the evening moments of our life.  He is not back there in the hidden years of the past, or out yonder in one of those black holes of space, but here among us.  

Such is the message of the Incarnation.  He came to be here in a way not even experienced by the One who brought it all into being.  Could it be said that prior to that moment between Bethlehem and Golgotha, God had no memory of what is meant to be in flesh among us?  Perhaps not, but surely it was a refresher moment for the One who put the imprint of holiness upon us.  It is not hard to see and to know the reality of His presence.  He is constantly revealing Himself in every moment and in everything which touches us and amazing as it is to consider, He has chosen to abide and dwell in us as well.

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