Friday, September 20, 2024

Clean Water

My pastor friend, Bobby Gale, turned 65 a few days ago and set out on a bicycle ride that will take him from the place where John Wesley stepped on Georgia soil to the Washington Monument.  A long time ago Bobby stepped out of the itinerary system of the United Methodist Church to follow God's leading into a faith mission to serve others.  One of the most visible expressions of this ministry has been raising funds to build deep water wells in Africa so that people accustomed to getting their drinking waters from dirty germ infested rivers could have access to clean water.    

He calls this bike ride "The Jerry Can Ride" after the name of the oversize 40 gallon container people use to carry their water from the river to their homes.  His stated purpose is to raise awareness of the need so many people have for clean water.  I have watched Bobby over the years.  He has a heart for those who are often thought of as the least of God's children.  He also has a relentless quest to make the world a safer and better place.  As he does this work of responding to the needs of people, he has always remembered the need those around him have for a personal faith in Jesus Christ.    

I wish there were more people like my friend.  I wish I had more of his spirit in me.  While I know God's calling on him is different from the calling I know, I know I need more of the "won't quit" spirit which resides in his heart.  Someone who adopted children who lived in desperate situations in other countries once told me, "I cannot save all the world's children, but I have saved this one."  One child at a time people like her are giving children hope.  One well at a time, Bobby is giving deprived people hope and clean water.  If you would like to know more about my friend's ministry, search "Jerry Can Ride" on Facebook.

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