Monday, September 16, 2024

Two Things

I have been wearing a three inch carved wooden Celtic cross around my neck for nigh unto a month or so now.  While I have seen many men wear stuff around their necks, I have never had any interest in wearing anything which resembled a necklace so I was surprised when I felt an inner compulsion to buy this one and wear it.  When I saw it, there was this feeling that it was calling my name

Two things have happened.  One I expected and the other has been a surprise.  I expected it to be a conversation piece.  It is artfully carved and though rustic in appearance, it does call attention to itself.  It is not uncommon for someone to ask me about it, or show me their own cross, or to tell me that they love Jesus, too.  I have enjoyed the way it has become a way of engaging others in conversations about shared faith in Christ.  It is not only a conversation starter, but has become a tool for sharing Christ with others.  

The second thing which has been a surprise is the way it has affected me personally,  It has made me more aware that I am representing Christ in the world.  While I take no pride in admitting it, there have been moments when my impatience was beginning to turn into some shortness of tongue which I was about to verbalize when I remembered I was wearing this cross that spoke of belonging to Jesus.  The surprising thing has been the way wearing the cross has made me see myself differently.  I do not want to make someone wonder if I made a mistake by wearing a cross that might speak of my own walk with Jesus.  Wearing the cross around my neck is not just wearing a piece of jewelry, but a reminder that I belong to Jesus.  It also reminds not to live in such a way that others would think otherwise.

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