Saturday, February 1, 2025

Toward a New Life

In order for God to give us a new life, He has to take away the one we have.   To take hold of what is new, we have to turn loose of what is old. We cannot hold both the old and the new in our hands.  What is often difficult for us to understand is that God is constantly seeking to give us a new life.   What we experience today fits us for today, but not for tomorrow.  There is within us a spirit of resistance to this new life God is wanting to give.  We like the one we have.  We are comfortable.  We are not seeing anything new coming.  

We do not anticipate it coming so we hold tightly to what we know.  Every so often we see the glow of a new sunrise, sense the warmth of it rising in our life, and find ourselves searching the edges of the fading darkness for a sign of what a new beginning will look like in our life.  What can only be seen by faith is something we want to see with more detail and certainly than is allowed in those moments.  The moment is filled with the Spirit calling us to a moment of total abandonment.  It is a threshold which causes us to want to wait and see, but such luxury is not being offered by the beckoning Spirit.

We will be able to see what it is that God is making new for us beyond the horizon, where only the eyes of faith might possibly see, but seeing what God is about will require of us a giving of ourselves to the whatever of His future in a way that causes many of us to pause before saying "yes."  It is in the saying 'yes" to what cannot be known, or seen that enables us to move forward in the direction God is pulling us.  It is a "stepping off the cliff" moment.  We step before we know if there is a net beneath, or just a very long fall.  What is there does not matter.  In those moments of embracing what cannot be seen, it is enough to know that God is beyond what we can see.

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