To stand on the edge of knowing what is not at the moment knowable is a perplexing moment. It often seems like a forever moment between some tantalizing aroma teasing the taste buds and the one filled with savoring the multiplicities of the flavor. When we are are at the precipice of what is known and what is about to be known, there is little we can do except wait with faith. Surely, there are times when God speaks to us by making us aware of something about to be, but is not yet.
The Old Testament prophets introduce us to the way a revelation of God is announced, but delayed and Jesus did much the same as He spoke of the Kingdom of God being here and yet still to come. It is no wonder that there are so many places in the Scripture which call us to embrace the discipline of waiting. The Psalmist wrote, "I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His Word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning, more than those who watch for the morning." (Psalm 130:5-6). Waiting and watching for the morning is a good image.
There have been times when each of us has longed for the sight of the first light announcing what is to come even though we do not know what is to come. Perhaps, God brings us to the edge of what He is about to do so that there will be a moment of letting go of what is behind us as a way of preparing us for what is to come in the still to be revealed plan of God. It is a strange way to consider faith, but faith is always what God requires us to pack for our journeying with Him.
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