Sunday, February 2, 2025

Around and to the Edge

Without really having planned such a journey, when church was in the rear view mirror,  it seemed like the thing to do to drive around the perimeter of the farm.  It is not a big farm, but it was such a fine glorious afternoon, there was no hurry to get back to the house.  I had hardly gotten off the road into the hay field when I stopped to look at the trees in the branch that were victims of the hurricane winds.  Sitting there at the edge of the branch with the warm sunshine made me feel like a nap.  After a spell I rambled a further piece where the birds were offering such a Sunday chorus I had to stop and listen.   

There were other things to see.  My new fire pit is empty now and there are still plenty of limbs ready to be hauled that way.  I checked out one neighbor's field waiting to be planted and another's where the pine straw had been harvested.  The further I rode the more of tomorrow's work of clean up and fertilizing I started seeing.  A farm is a place where everything is never done and where change is constantly happening.  To have eyes to see is to realize that every day brings something new into view.   

Is it not so with all of us?  If we could take some drive around in our inner being, we would surely see how things are different in us because of some of the storms which have blown against us!  We would surely see the places where we have grown in our understanding of what it means to be alive.  We would be filled with gratitude that God has been the steadfast presence Who has sustained us and unfolds before us a continued sense of being useful.  It has been a glorious day here on the planet earth!  What an even more glorious day it must be in the Kingdom which though all around us is still not yet completely seen!  Thanks be to God for a trip around the farm and the edge of the Kingdom.

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