Saturday, February 8, 2025

Divine Magnetism

There is a kind of spiritual magnetism all around Jesus.  He attracted people.  He still attracts people.  When He was born, shepherds left their flocks by night as they were drawn toward Him.  Men from far distances traveled under the spell of a star to visit Him.  The very earliest stories about Jesus point to the drawing power within Him.  Much later as a traveling preacher and teacher, He would speak of this innate quality, "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to Myself."  (John 12:32).   

None of the disciples required persuading to go after Him.  They did not need to read His mission statement, nor did they ask where He would be when it got dark.   None of them asked, "What's in it for me?"  They saw Him and they went.  It makes me remember some of those Friday night sermons from revival preachers as they tried to get folks like me off the back pew and up to the altar.  I wonder how it might have been different if they had focused more on Jesus and less on my sins and the heaven to be gained.  Maybe all we really need to do is present Jesus, let Him stand on His own two feet, and offer something as simple as "Come and see." (John 1:39)  We preachers, and I suppose I should stand midst the crowd, too often have acted as if our convincing power was the key to folks following Jesus.    

From what we read in the gospels, Jesus does not need our persuasive words so much as He needs for us to use our words in such a way that those who hear are enabled to see and hear Him.  Maybe one of the things the gospel record is telling us is that Jesus can do the rest.  If He is lifted up for folks to see, the Word says He will draw those people to Himself.  Who knows?  Maybe it is true.

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