Monday, February 10, 2025

Spiritual Preparation

The baptism of Jesus at the Jordan River was not some "spur of the moment" decision.  As Matthew writes about it, he says, "Then Jesus came forth from Galilee to John at the Jordan, to be baptized by him..." (Matthew 3:13).  To some it seems strange that Jesus would choose baptism as a catalyst for launching His ministry.  If baptism is about dealing with sin, Jesus had no sin.  It seems unlikely Jesus would be baptized because everyone else was doing it.  It must also be remembered that baptism was repugnant to any Jew.  Baptism was a ritual of cleansing for an unclean Gentile who wished to convert to Judaism.   

What we do know is that Jesus was intentional about seeking it.  John the Baptist declared to Jesus, "I need to be baptized by You..." (Matthew 3:14), but apparently Jesus needed to be baptized by John.  No doubt Jesus was there at the Jordan out of obedience to what He had come to know as the Father's purposeful leading.  Faith and obedience does not require an explanation.  It only requires movement toward what is understood to be the. will of the Father God.  In such a manner, Jesus surely came from Galilee to the Jordan River.  

One of the things clearly seen is that the act of baptism resulted in a moment of divine affirmation.  The language of the Scripture is clear about this as it says, "...the heavens were opened to Him and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on Him.  And a voice from heaven said, 'This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased."  (Matthew 3:16-17).  Even as Jesus could not have stayed at the Mt. of Transfiguration, He could not stay at the Jordan River with John, but it was a moment of spiritual preparation for what was ahead.

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