Thursday, February 20, 2025

Trust or Worry

It is true for all of us that we can remember where we first heard Jesus say some of the the things He said.  It is as if the Words are not only etched in our memory in a forever kind of way, but that we also remember where we were standing when some saying fell on our ears as if it was the first time.  Maybe it was the first time.  We read some of the written words of the Scripture and then one day, we hear some portion heard a thousand times, but it touches our heart like it was the first time.   

It was while reading the J. B. Phillips translation of the New Testament in my Young Harris College days that I heard Jesus say, "Do not worry about your life...can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring worries of its own.  Today's trouble is enough for the day." (Matthew 6:25-34).  While I do not remember being a worry wart back then, maybe I needed a Word to remind me that God was in control.  

I have a friend out in Lubbock, Texas who has his own way of putting things in perspective as he says, "Why should I be concerned when the God of the Universe has everything in His hands?"  Worry can be defined in many ways, but as those who believe in Jesus we surely can see that worry is the antithesis of trust.  We cannot really hold trust in God and worry in our hands.  They can only hold one or the other.  Each day each one of us makes our choice.

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