Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Stop and Go Days

Some days do not seem to amount to much.  They are filled with hurried meals, commuter chaos complete with horns blowing and the possibility of stop and never seem to be going traffic, Monday morning attitudes ever day in every place, and end of the day exhaustion too deep to be overcome by one night's sleep.  To be honest is to admit some days we wish not for the road to work, but the sofa in front of the television.  At the end of those kind of days, we often find ourselves singing alone with Alfie, 'What's it all about?"  

Days do have a way of getting out of hand in a hurry.  But, actually, how the day goes is more about us than the the external things which surround us. Years ago while having a morning conversation with my sister, she told me she was sitting on the expressway waiting on traffic to start moving again.  When I said something about her day getting off to a rough start, she commented, "My day is not nearly as bad as the guy whose car is wrecked."  I have always remembered that bit of sibling wisdom.  What we carry with us and more specifically what we carry within us will make, or break the day.  

When the Apostle Paul said, "I have learned to be content with whatever I have..." (Philippians 4:11), he was speaking specifically about having either a little or a lot, but it is a word which is applicable to anything and everything which comes our way.  If he could learn to live with a little, maybe it is possible for us to learn to live with a day that is not going according to plans.  God's plan for us may include a few days of stop and go traffic that will enable us to count our blessings and be grateful.

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