Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Taking Off Blinders

It is easy to walk through the day without seeing some of the important things which are happening around us.  It is not that we are blind, or uncaring, but that we simply are in such a hurry that life for us is like life with blinders.  We only see part of what there is to see.  As I look back over the years with hindsight afforded old age, I find myself seeing things which could have been seen more clearly instead of only partially. And even now with eyes that are more attuned to searching, there is so much seen not in the moment but in hindsight.   

People watching is one of the the windows which opens up some of heaven's messages to us, but it is an art that must be done carefully lest someone find themselves being made afraid of someone who is obviously watching.  I remember an older woman who no longer had the ability to stay focused on the written words, yet, who often picked up her Bible, held it in her laps, and rubbed it with her hands.  Had she not found a new way for the Word to touch her spirit?  I think so.  And then there are those whom we see at times singing, but not loudly.  Their singing is more like whispers that are loud enough to be heard only by God the Father.  Who knows how this almost silent singing sounds when it becomes a part of the heavenly chorus.?     

Such things might seem like trivia to many who have no eyes to see the Kingdom of God becoming present in their midst.  And the same might be said of the ones who dare to stop their hurrying and bring a sack of food to some homeless guy set up at a traffic light, or a box of tissues to someone whose life is obviously being turned upside down, or  a kind word which declares to someone who is hurting that they are being seen.  Important things are happening every day.  You and I can choose to be a part of them, or we can hurry on down the road to things that speak more of our own pursuits than the pursuits of the Kingdom.  

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