Saturday, December 3, 2022

Bottom of the Barrel

If you find yourself looking at the bottom of the barrel, some surprising things and unexpected people may come into view.  Some say what is found at the bottom are the leftovers, or the residue, or what no one wants after the best has been taken off the top.  All of this may well be true.  Over the years I have become convinced God spends a lot of time plundering around at the bottom of the barrel.  When we look at some of the folks He called in the Biblical story, He surely seems there could have been better choices, but there He is reaching down to what is at the bottom.   

Jacob was certainly not such a hot pick.  He was always up to getting the things he wanted one way or the other.  And, Moses was certainly not pick of the litter material.  This bottom of the barrel dweller was a murderer and a fugitive when God found him in the wilderness.  Then, there is Rahab, a woman most would not choose and Simon Peter whose temper was always a problem.  And, finally, who would want Saul of Tarsus on your team if you were on the Christian team?  Not even Ananias was sure this was a good choice.    

But, the biggest reason I know God often goes to the bottom of the barrel to get folks to do His bidding is because that is where He surely must have found me when He called me to preach.  Maybe it was a mistake and I overheard Him calling someone else, but, of course, I do not really believe I heard Him wrong when He called my name.  But, I have always been amazed.  There were surely better choices.  I suppose He had His reasons,  And while I am not sure I will ever understand why He would have wanted me to spend a life preaching the gospel and standing in His stead in some tough places, I am eternally grateful.  The call has made all the difference in the journey and this bottom of the barrel dweller knows it better than anyone else.  

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