Sunday, December 18, 2022

George Frideric Handel

I do not suppose a church could present as a musical ministry Handel's "Messiah" every year during the Christmas season, but then again, why not?  It has no comparison.  This Sunday is the one when most churches will be putting forth a major Christmas presentation, but midst all the advertising and public invitations, I have yet to see in these parts an announcement that the "Messiah" is being offered.  And while circumstances will prevent being in church this Sunday, I regret that it is not something which is being offered around here to touch the hearts of believers and to stir the church in a way unique to this 280 year old piece of music.    

Handel wrote it in 24 days and with it tells the story of the life of Christ.  From the words ""Comfort Ye, comfort Ye my people"  to the glorious "Hallelujah Chorus" at the end, there is nothing like it.  It thrills those who have heard it time and time again just to remember those Christmas moments.  A Christian college near here at to one time, and it may still be the case, always presented the Handel music and invited whoever to come and join in the singing of the Chorus at the end.  It was for many the highlight of the season.   

But, alas, Handel seems to be taking a back seat in the music corridors in these parts.  Maybe the musicians are not up to it this year.  Maybe the worshiping culture has changed to the point that Christmas music of a different variety has a stronger appeal.  Whatever the reason, something which has moved the church for 280 years deserves at least one sanctuary, or one music hall during these days.  Christmas will be missing something without it.  

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