Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Small White Bloom

After several mild winters, cold weather seems to have found a home in these parts.   Temperatures below freezing have been common and the daytime temperatures have been about three layers cold.  Add gray skies, rain, and brutal wind to the mix and most days the body voted for staying indoors.  The only venturing out was to take bales of hay to the cows in the pasture.  Cold weather only increased their appetites.  And, so it was a surprise today to run up on a tiny white narcissus sticking its head up in the cold air as I walked toward the garden.     

There always seems to be something to learn around here.  There always seems to be a Word not heard being spoken to ears that have been more deaf than hearing.  The white narcissus bloom is not only one of those blooms which trumpets our hope for warmer weather, but it also speaks to us about the way growth can take place in hard times.  Hard times may come in a harsh winter, but they are more likely to show up in our lives in more subtle ways.    

Regardless of how they come, the little white bloom can be heard declaring that personal growth is possible even though life has all but beat us into full retreat.   It is a good Word from the Creator to hear in these days when any hope for better seems like an illusion.   In these days when cold still grips the grounds there are silent reminders which speak volumes to us about the way the Spirit of God is taking what is now invisible in our life and working to bring it to bloom into something which will surely reflect His glory.  

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