Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Conception and Mystery

Life is precious.  Each life is unique.  Each life is imprinted with the holy in its moment of conception.  In the early verses of the gospel of John we hear the Word saying, "All things came into being through Him  (Jesus), and without Him not one thing came into being."  (John 1:3)  Here is an all inclusive Word which captures everyone of us and everyone who has ever walked along the roads of this earth before us, with us, or after us.  It may seem at first glance that the moment of conception is about wild passion, but even more so, it is about holy mystery.     

Not a single one of us began that mysterious journey from the invisible to the visible, the darkness to the light without the divine hand of the Creator touching our beginning and propelling it forward.  The Psalmist spoke of that mystery when he wrote, "For it was You who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother's womb."  (Psalm 139:13)  What we also know is that the Creator creates with holy purposes in mind which means that each life is of value because of some purpose which often seems so illusive to us that we spend a life time searching for it.    

Many times our search for purpose takes us to the grandiose instead of what might seem to be filled with the ordinary.  Yet, the truth is that life is lived not in the grandiose moments such as mountain top moments, but in the ordinary experiences which sometimes seem like potholes in the road.  We were brought into being by our Creator not for a single moment, but for a life time of living.  The days we live are numbered by Him.  How we live them is determined by our choices.  As we choose we must never forget our origins.  We were created by the Holy One for holy purposes.  Always.  There are no exceptions.  

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