Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Thoughts About Readings

Not too long ago I walked into a college library and stood there for a moment in amazement at all the books.  I could not help but think that there were so many books I have never read and will never read.  To some degree I run into those feelings when I look at the shelves which surround me here at the writing desk. I have bought books because I wanted to read them, other books because I thought I should read them, and some books because they just sorta shimmered and cried out, "Buy me!"   

One thing I know is that life will likely not be long enough to read them all.  Maybe those who pack them up will think about me and my books like an old peach farmer from Talbotton was about his peach orchards.  Even though in his mid seventies, he planted new trees every year knowing that some would one day be planted he would not be around to see in production.  But, as he told me, "I want folks to know I was pointed in the right direction."  I hope some of my books that may end up being unread at the end will speak such a word to those left behind.   

And even more so, I hope that my Bible shows enough wear and tear for them to know I was a student of its pages.  I hope some of the underlining and the notes will let them know something of the direction I was walking.  And when they turn to some of the pages and find that they show little evidence of much reading, I hope they will be reminded that there is always something more to read, to hear, and to know about God's Word.  

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