Monday, January 8, 2024

The Mystery

One of the things noticed as I have been making my current journey through Genesis is that it does not argue anywhere to prove the existence of God.  In all those verses about the Creation of everything that is and will be, there is never any mention about the origin of God.  Nor, is there anything which would suggest any questions about His existence.  

Everything written assumes that the reader is one who accepts a belief in God as the bedrock of life.  Such a belief is the experience of most of us.  We do not approach the Scripture looking for proof of God's existence anymore than we go out into the world seeking proof of love and goodness and kindness.  There are times when it seems that these virtues are in short supply, but what we know is that they are a part of what holds the fabric of our relationships together.  

The Hebrews may have gathered around campfires and told stories of what God had done, but they never thought to tell some story that proved that He existed, or that it made sense to believe in Him.  It seems that they had no need to solve or explain the Mystery of God.  They were immersed in it.  In a sense it is unfortunate that we live in an age of information where everything can be defined or explained as easy as the movement of a hand.  Early on in my spiritual journey I had the idea that if I would read the Scripture slowly and carefully enough, everything would fall into some logical space.  Getting older with decades of walking the road of faith has convinced me that there will always be more I do not know about God than I can know.  The Word is about Mystery.  So, is our journey of faith.

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