Thursday, January 18, 2024

Leaping for Joy

It was a moment of sheer serendipity and it came and went so quick, I almost missed it.  It was one of those busy traffic moments when most of my attention was being directed to what was happening in moving vehicles.  It was so frigid people on the street looked overweight in their layers of shirts, and sweaters, and coats. As they walked, pockets of frozen breath hung in the air.  It seemed like a normal morning in a place where everyone was hurrying to wherever it was they were going.     

And, then it happened.  Out of the corner of my eye, this man who must have weighed an additional fifty pounds with his layering leaped like the Michael Jordan of my memories, clicked his heels in the air, and landed with a great grin on his face.   As I drove on laughing, I felt like going back and applauding for an encore leap. It was a moment which brought to mind a verse from the Psalms.  King David never intended for his words to be applied to something like my moment of serendipity, but it popped up out of my memory; nonetheless:  " comes with the morning."  (Psalm 30:5)  The man on the corner who leaped for joy certainly brought joy to my morning.    

It seems like a good matter for our morning prayers.  We could ask God to bring joy into our morning and into our day.  We could ask God to use us to bring serendipitous moments of joy into the lives of others.  And, we could ask God to help us live so that our lives would bring joy to His heart.  Thanks to my street corner leaper, I see a new way to be joyful.

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