Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Place of the Evening Breeze

If you want to see the glory of a morning sunrise, you must get up before light hits the sky.  If you want to know about the crashing waters hitting the sand at the edge of here and there, you must go to the shore and stand in the surging waters.  If you want to see life coming forth fresh in the Spring, you must stand on the ground where the seed has been cast in the dirt. If you want to exprerience and know holy revelation in the day, you must walk in the Garden.   

The ancient story of the Garden in Genesis enables us to know that we are to live with the expectation that God is as near as "the time of the evening breeze."  (Genesis 3:8)  Here in a very familiar story we are reminded that God intentionally chooses to reveal Himself.  He chooses to reveal Himself to those who wait faithfully as He did on many days during the span of time the Garden of Eden couple walked in the Garden, but He also comes to those who mistakenly choose a way other than faithfulness.  He is faithful to come even in those moments when our lives speak mostly of unfaithfulness.  

So, we ask ourselves, "Where is this Garden where God chooses to walk at the time of the evening breeze?"  The answer is simple.  It is everywhere for everywhere is where God is present.  The Psalmist wrote, "If I ascend to heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning and settle at the farther limits of the sea, even even there Your hand shall lead me..." (Psalm 139:8-10)  There is no forest too thick, no street too busy, no town so obscure, no place so insignificant for God to be present with both the power and the desire to reveal Himself. If we want to see and know Him, we must simply sit in the present moment and wait for it is always in the present that God chooses to walk.

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