Sunday, October 29, 2023

Preaching Again

Some time ago the folks up at the Zoar Church which was one I served back in the beginning days of ministry asked me to preach.  Fifth Sunday was coming and the preacher, as is often typical in some of the small rural churches, had off on those fifth Sundays that come each year.  Those folks probably did not know that I had not preached anywhere in several years.  I may not remember what to do.  Or,  I may try to make up for a long hiatus from the pulpit and preach an extremely long, long sermon.  Or, who knows?  I may be so rusty that the sermon will be as exciting as watching an old man getting up off the floor.   

All I can say is that the preparation has been done.  It was not as easy as it used to be.  When I was preaching regularly my mind worked to prepare a message that would last 20-30 minutes and for the past forever all I have been doing is preparing a three paragraph blog.  I suppose I could preach a three paragraph sermon which might be a hit with those who will be eager to hear the benediction and get into the fried chicken which will be waiting in the fellowship hall.  I remember my first sermons at the Zoar Church back in the early '70s.  I would preach for what seemed like forever and then look at my watch to see that ten minutes had barely passed.  If I pulled that kind of sermon out of the hat, not too many would mind!    

The truth is I look forward to an opportunity go be in the pulpit again.  I have always believed and still do that preaching is one of the most important roles to be fulfilled by the spiritual leader or preacher of any congregation.  I am not saying that the other parts of the worship service are unimportant, but neither am I ready to delegate preaching to something which is of little consequence.  Preaching is about that moment when the Word of God is proclaimed.  It is that moment when the written Scripture is given a voice.  God called me long ago to be one of those voices and I shall never take it lightly.  

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