Thursday, August 4, 2022

The Obscure Years VI

Jesus did not grow up in Nazareth as an only child.  By the time He reached those middle adolescent years, the house was overflowing.  Mark wrote a word about the family of Jesus in the 6th chapter of his gospel.  Jesus was teaching in the synagogue in Nazareth and there were some who listened not believing their ears as they said, "Is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon, and are not His sisters here with us?  (Mark 6:3)      

As we listen to unkind words being directed toward Jesus, we learn that He had four brothers and at least two sisters.  The absence of any mention of Joseph suggests that he was no longer living and that Jesus had taken over as the carpenter in the shop of His earthly father.  Here is a bit of information that fuels our spirit of conjecture.  Growing up with so many siblings was no doubt hard in the impoverished environment in which they lived and with Joseph dead there were many duties and responsibilities which fell to the oldest son.    

While we do not know how many years he continued his earthly father's trade, it was surely long enough to learn about wood splinters in the hand, breathing sawdust in the air, aching shoulders, and dealing with cantankerous and unsatisfied customers.  In Nazareth He experienced first hand the life of the taken-for-granted poor people of society.  As we later see Him going about His Father's business, we see One who carried with Him from Nazareth a deep concern for the poor, the forgotten, and the least of the world.  

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